Friday, February 24, 2012

During the previous weeks of class, we've been using a portion of our classtime to present the different technology lessons described in our textbook. The one that I would like to speak on is the one about podcasting; in particular, using podcasting for book reports. With the lack of motivation in our schools today, any time that we can use technology in the place of more traditional teaching methods or presentations, we need to take advantage. Not only will a podcast eliminate small issues students may face such as "stage freight" or sloppy unrehearsed oral deliveries, but it also allows students to be a lot more creative.


  1. I'm not too sure how I feel about podcasting. I guess I'll have to see how I feel about it after I've completed one.

    I DO feel like those "sloppy unrehearsed oral deliveries" are painful, at best. I think you've got a point there. Podcasts will help to alleviate a student's fear of public speaking and allow for creative expression. So, even if I personally hate podcasting, I might still use it in the classroom because of that. Thanks for the insight!

  2. I am not a huge fan of doing podcasts myself, but I think many students would really enjoy it. I am not sure that I will give up entirely on the traditional book report though. I may eliminate that awkward oral presentation of it because, like you said, it can be obnoxious and troublesome for the student. I think I would change the writing of it to be really informal though similar to an "isearch" paper or a journal reflection.
